1. India International Science Festival (IISF) 2015
IISF (2015) was organised in IIT, Delhi during 4th Dec. to 8th Dec. 2015 with the objective of exposing the fruits of Science & Technology to the masses; building strategy to instill scientific temper among the masses; showcasing Indian contributions in the field of S&T over the years; providing platform to young scientists for exchange of knowledge and ideas; and supporting flagship programmes like Make in India, Digital India, Start-ups, Smart Villages, Smart Cities, etc. Approximately 10,000 delegates from all over the country participated in the following components of the festival – young scientists’ conference, techno-industrial expo, science film festival, national level exhibition and project competition showcasing innovative models under INSPIRE programme of Department of Science & Technology, industry academia conclave, largest practical science laboratory demo and interactive workshops and informative sessions.
Largest Practical Science Session with 2000 students, on 7th Dec. 2015, working in small teams to complete experiments as part of the lesson that focused on catalysts has found the entry in the Guinness Book of World Records.
2. National Supercomputing Mission
The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs approved the launch of the National Supercomputing Mission on 25th March 2015. This is a visionary program to enable India to leapfrog to the league of world class computing power nations. The Mission would be implemented and steered jointly by the Department of Science and Technology (DST) and Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DeitY) at an estimated cost of Rs.4500 crore over a period of seven years.
The Mission envisages empowering our national academic and R&D institutions spread over the country by installing a vast supercomputing grid comprising of more than 70 high-performance computing facilities. These supercomputers will also be networked on the National Supercomputing grid over the National Knowledge Network (NKN). The NKN is another programme of the government which connects academic institutions and R&D labs over a high speed network. Academic and R&D institutions as well as key user departments/ministries would participate by using these facilities and develop applications of national relevance. The Mission also includes development of highly professional High Performance Computing (HPC) aware human resource for meeting challenges of development of these applications.
3. DST-MHRD Collaboration in Impacting Research Innovation and Technology (IMPRINT) Project: Department of Science & Technology (DST) is working with Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) to evolve a mechanism for joint implementation of IMPRINT projects which was launched on 5th Nov. 2015 by the Hon'ble President of India. Preliminary meetings with MHRD have already taken place and detailed modalities are being worked out with MHRD. IMPRINT projects will address major societal and developmental needs such as healthcare, information and communication technology, energy, sustainable habitat, nano technology, water resources and river systems, advanced materials, security and defence, and environment and climate.
4. DST-Ministry of Railways (MoR) Joint R&D Initiative : Department of Science and Technology (DST) and Ministry of Railways (MoR) are shaping a joint R&D initiative to address research problems of immediate and direct relevance to MoR by taking up suitable projects within time span of 3-5 years with well defined deliverables. Collaboration between MoR and DST are in the area of fuel efficiency and emission control technologies, alternate fuels, fuel conservation in diesel traction etc. and to derive synergy based on mutual strengths. As an outcome of these efforts, scope of programme support has been finalized in the meeting of 8th September, 2015
5. Science and Technology of Yoga and Meditation (SATYAM)
DST has launched a new programme “Science and Technology of Yoga and Meditation (SATYAM)” in 2015-16 to rejuvenate research in yoga and meditation. Given the ever increasing prevalence of physical and mental health problems, the holistic approach of Yoga and Meditation is believed to have the potential to find beneficial treatment that is relatively safer and more cost-effective. Cutting-edge research under SATYAM will seek to identify related issues and challenges and address these to enhance human well-being. Another objective of SATYAM is to also harness knowledge obtained in academic institutions and other related agencies for finding S&T-led solutions that would enable us to cope with stress and strain associated with fast changing social, economic, environmental and professional circumstances. The programme will encourage research in two major thematic areas: (1) investigations on the effect of Yoga and Meditation on physical and mental health, and (2) investigations on the effect of Yoga & Meditation on the body, brain, and mind in terms of basic processes.
6. Scheme for funding Industry-relevant R&D
The Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) recognizes the need to facilitate increased Public Private Partnerships in its funding mechanism, and has recently approved a scheme that provides an opportunity for collaborative research between academic institutions and industry. This scheme aims to bridge the gap between public funded research and industrial R&D. The new scheme seeks to target solution driven research to address industry specific problems. Project will be jointly designed and implemented by the academic partner and industry, and the cost will be shared between SERB and Industry with industry share not less than 50 % of the total budget. All industries (including Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) & industrial R&D Centres) are welcome to participate in this scheme.
7. Scheme for funding High Risk-High Reward Research
Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) has approved a new and significant initiative to support proposals that are conceptually new and risky, and if successful, expected to have a paradigm-shifting influence on the S&T landscape. Outcome could be new and significant theoretical or experimental advances, formulation of new hypotheses, or breakthrough science which will lead to new technologies. Proposals that address scientific issues leading to “incremental” knowledge will not be supported.
8. Early Career Research Award
A new scheme viz. Early Career Research Award (ECRA) has been launched to provide quick research support to the researchers who are in their early career for pursuing exciting and innovative research in frontier areas of science and engineering. The Award carries a research grant up to Rs. 50 lakhs for a period of three years. More than 600 young scientists have responded in November 2015 for the Award.
9. National Post-doctoral Fellowship (N-PDF) scheme
In order to attract and retain young scientists and discourage brain drain in academic/R&D institutions, a National Postdoctoral Fellowship (N-PDF) scheme has been launched. It aims to identify motivated young researchers and provide them support for doing research in frontier areas of science and engineering. The Fellow will work under a Mentor, and it is expected that the training will provide him/her a platform to develop as an independent researcher. The Fellow will be provided a fellowship of Rs. 55,000/ pm for a period of 2 years with a research grant of Rs. 2.0 lakh per annum.
10. Technical Research Centres - Five Technical Research Centres (TRCs) in the existing autonomous institutions of the Department of Science & Technology are being set up. A detailed road-map has been prepared by the Department for setting-up of these centres. TRCs are expected to further enhance translational research being carried out by these autonomous institutions. Final financial approval of TRCs is expected by end of December 2015.
11. Technology Applications by Institute of Nano Science & Technology (INST), Mohali
(A) Waste Water Treatment: Institute of Nano Science and Technology (INST), Mohali, an autonomous institution of DST, is working towards the development of low cost filter for waste water treatment. They have developed low cost novel nano-adsorbent for removal of toxic metal ions as well as organic pollutant. For this, the water purification trials for removal of lanthanides, transition metal ions, arsenic and organic dyes at laboratory level have been done. The initial trial have been done on purification of real domestic waste. The following are proposed future plans :
(a) Setting up the metal adsorbent pads at the bottom of the boats :
INST is fabricating trapping pads for metal ions and organic pollutant removal. This will be a portable pad which can be fixed to the wall of boats and hence clean river.
(b) Domestic waste treatment:
In this area INST is planning to make small cartridge (low cost) which can be put at the exhaust of the sink or washing machine and then exhausted clean water will be recharged by clean water. This is kept in river cleaning concept because the most of the river waste is from waste generated from the people of the country. And if we can address these waste at the source level then we can definitely protect our river to get contaminated form human generated waste.
(c) Industrial waste treatment:
Since the adsorbent made by INST’s scientist are very efficient in trapping high concentration of metal ions, the idea is to put a cartridge at the exhaust of the industry and trap the waste product and for different industries, specific cartridge will be made.
(d) Plans for urban and rural areas:
For urban cities, it is planned to do the real time detection and removal of water impurities and its implementation in real life. It is also planned to make low cost water testing strips for rural people and small portable ca cartridge for instant water purification.
(B) Development of Clinical Biomarkers: Institute of Nano Science and Technology (INST), Mohali, an autonomous institution of DST is developing cost effective biosensing platforms for clinical biomarkers like Cardiac serum markers (Myoglobin, Troponin I, BNP, FABP etc.) and Prostate cancer markers along with environmental pollutants such as food/water pathogens (E. coli and other enteric pathogens) and new generation pesticides. INST’s aim is to design and develop its own optical/fluorescence/electrochemical based sensors using nanotechnology approach to minimize the size of the sensor as it can be suitably used for rapid and field applications. INST is attempting to increase the specificity of our biosensor by generating our own bio-receptors (antibodies/aptamers) and immobilizing them onto nanostructured platforms in order to have enhanced sensitivity (upto sub picomolar range). The developed sensors will be highly versatile and can be used for other target analyses depending upon the kind of bio-receptor used on the sensor surface.
12. Revamping and Reorientation of Innovation in Science Pursuit for Inspired Research (INSPIRE) Scheme
The INSPIRE Award component which is meant for school children from class 6th to 10th is being reoriented to align it with the national agenda of the Government and observations made by the Hon'ble Prime Minister. The programme is being modified to encourage children to visualise/analyse needs of the nation; develop critical thinking about national issues and problems pertaining to everyday life, as well as, create awareness and inspire them to devise innovative ideas to address them. Follow-up mechanism to further fine tune the best creative ideas/concepts is being put in place.
The second component of the INSPIRE scheme deals with organizing Science Camps for science students of Class 11th based on their performance at the Class 10th Board examination. Through the Science Camps, these students are provided an opportunity and exposure for interaction with scientists and academicians including Nobel Laureates. Now, “Innovative Idea Writing" has been introduced on themes specific like Water, Energy, Security etc. in keeping with the current initiatives of the Government like Make in India, Swachch Bharat etc. In each Camp, the ideas are being screened for finding the 3 best innovative ideas.
13. New Initiatives in Water and Clean Energy
(a) Recognizing that Water is of fundamental importance for human development, the, Water Advanced Research and Innovation (WARI) Fellowship Program- a dynamic and transformative program has been launched on 21 September 2015 to foster long term Indo-American Science and Technology partnerships. A programme for natural water treatment and waste water treatment has also been initiated with French collaboration.
(b) In the area of clean energy following new initiatives have been taken :
- A new research track on energy storage and smart grids have been agreed for Indo-US collaboration during Energy Dialogue co- Chaired by Hon’ble Minister of Power and US Secretary of Energy on 21st September 2015. A new programme on Clean Coal Research is also on the anvil.
- Considering the importance of capacity building in energy efficiency for built environments, a fellowship programme for Indian researchers have been launched to expose them to world class research facilities in US.
- An Indo–UK Virtual Centre for Clean Energy has been initiated to explore integrated solution for remote and rural locations using distributed solar energy generation, storage and off grid/ grid interaction following an India-UK discussion meeting on 10-11 June 2015.
- In order to improve energy security of the country, a roadmap for Methanol Economy as a promising alternate energy source has been initiated in partnership with NITI AAYOG following brainstorming with stakeholders on 11thSeptember 2015 steered by Dr VK Saraswat, Member, NITI Aayog and Secretary DST.
14. Waste Management Technology Development
With the objective to contribute towards Swachch Bharat, a new programme under the Technology Development Scheme has been initiated to come up with technological solutions for the problems faced by the country in waste management. Areas under this include hospital waste, plastic waste, e-waste, etc. First call for proposals has received an overwhelming response.
15. Advanced Manufacturing
Aligning with the Make in India agenda of the Government, the Department has initiated a programme to promote development of advance manufacturing technologies in the country. The areas include robotics and automation, nano-materials, precision manufacturing, etc. Call for proposals has already been given.
16. Development of Bio-medical Devices
The Department is planning to initiate stakeholder consultation to identify bio-medical devices to be taken up for indigenous development. The programme is being evolved to align with the objective of Swasth Bharat of Government of India.
A Technical Research Centre at Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute of Medical Sciences and Technology, Thiruvananthapuram is being established to give a big push to the development and commercialization of biomedical technologies in this institution which has an enviable record in this domain.
17. Scheme for Promoting Innovations, Creativity and Entrepreneurship among ITI Students (SPICE ITI)
As suggested by the Hon'ble Prime Minister during the meeting with Science Secretaries on 29th July 2015, a separate scheme is being worked out by the National Innovation Foundation, Ahmedabad for promoting innovations, creativity and entrepreneurship among Industrial Training Institute (ITI) students.
18. North Eastern Centre for Ethno Medical Research:
DST has recently approved establishment of “Ethno Medicinal Research Centre” at FEEDS, Manipur with budgetary support of approx. Rs 6.00 crores. This Centre aims to undertake ethno phyto-chemical research of wild herbs available in the NE region that have unique medicinal and aromatic properties, particularly in our traditional systems. The Centre will not only give scientific validation of traditional herbs but aims to improve quality of life and economic status of local community through product development and better livelihood.
19. Revamping of Science Express
As suggested by the Hon’ble Prime Minister, the Department has initiated action to strengthen outreach activities along the route of the 8th Phase of the Science Express. The Department intends to approach NCSTC-Network (a conglomeration of 83 NGOs), National Council for Science Museum (NCSM), Vigyan Prasar (VP), National Innovation Foundation (NIF), Centre for Environmental Education (CEE), Vikram Sarabhai Community Science Centre (VASCSC), academic and research institutions at 65 destinations of Science Express etc. for providing additional S&T activities to the children visiting Science Express.
The CEE has been advised to exhibit interactive models graphic interfaces and animations to make it more interesting. In addition to this, several platform activities for children are being planned to make the Science Express experience more meaningful for children.
20. Recent Developments through International S&T Cooperation
(a) A new programme with Russian Science Foundation was concluded by DST for cooperation in Basic Sciences (Physics, Chemistry, Earth Sciences, Biology (Medical and Agriculture), Mathematics) during 8th Session of India - Russia Working Group on Science & Technology in Moscow on September 3, 2015.
(b) A joint declaration of extension of Indo-German Science & Technology Centre was signed on 5th Oct. 2015 .
(c) A Letter of Intent (LoI) for Indian participation in annual meeting of Nobel Laureates and Students was signed on 5thOct. 2015.
(d) The Indo-US fellowship programme on Climate Research is being launched this year.
(e) Collaboration with USA on Women in Science has been strengthened with 20 Indo-US Women Fellowship in S&T; training programme on leadership and career development; and Silicon Valley visitation programme for women entrepreneurs.
(f) Under support of US-India Endowment Fund, prototypes of several innovative technologies on affordable healthcare and food security have been developed with a potetial for societal impact and commercial application. Through the five calls, the United States-India Science and Technology Endowment Fund is currently supporting and funding 17 joint U.S.-India entrepreneurial projects in the area of Healthy Individual (affordable biomedical devices, diagnostic/preventive/curative measures, or food and nutrition products to improve health) and Empowering Citizens(information and communication technologies, water, agriculture, financial inclusion, and education etc.) with a grant size of up to Rs. 2.50 crores or approximately $ 400,000. The joint entrepreneurial teams are working together on co-developing innovative product or technologies that are beyond the idea stage with high societal impact and significant potential to commercialize with 2-3 years. In addition to this, 3 project proposals are under the review process of evaluation. In the recent call of Sixth round of July 2015, 19 bi-national teams have been shortlisted by the joint U.S.-India expert panel for Stage II: detailed business plan and presentation at USA . Out of 19 companies, 5 have been shortlisted in November 2015 by the joint panel for further due diligence before award of the grant.
21. Showcasing of Indian Innovators in Silicon Valley during the visit of Hon’ble Prime Minister.
Under the India Innovation Growth Programme jointly supported by DST and Lockheed Martin Corporation, 10 Innovators participated in the Start-up Connect Programme and displayed their innovations. It would be worthwhile to mention that out of the 34 innovations showcased at Silicon Valley; approximately 50% were supported in one way or the other by DST. The innovators have attracted a lot of attention from the Venture Capitalists (VCs) in Silicon Valley and many of them have stayed back to explore further deals and investments.
22. UV Imaging Telescope
UV Imaging Telescope developed by Indian Institute of Astrophysics is one of the payloads on ASTROSAT which has been recently launched by ISRO. Telescope has started giving images and calibration is being done by ISRO.
23. Big Data Initiative
A proposal to initiate a new scheme viz. Big Data Initiative has been prepared and is under consideration of the Department. The scheme is aligned with the Government's Digital India initiative.
24. Policy on Conflict of Interest
In a significant move, the Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) has given its nod to go ahead with the much awaited policy on Conflict of Interest for grant applicants (including collaborators), reviewers and committee members and officers dealing with various programs. The Board felt that issues of conflicts of interest and ethics in scientific research and research management have assumed greater prominence in the new era of knowledge economy. All the stakeholders are required to sign an undertaking to adhere to the policy on conflict of interest. The approved policy aims to bring more transparency and increased accountability in funding mechanisms and provide assurance to the general public that processes followed in award of grants are fair and non-discriminatory.